Thursday, March 7, 2013


After the fun and excitement of my last post, I'm happy to say that baby Declan is still in cooking! We just saw the doctor yesterday too!

Fun Facts!

28 weeks along!
Measuring at 30 weeks!

Only gained 6 pounds and doc is still ok with that!

Contractions are not progressing me!

C Section is tentatively scheduled for May 27th!

The contractions were brought on by me having what is called an irritable uterus. In layman's terms, my uterus is sick of being pregnant and wants him out now and is going to keep trying to kick him out. Luckily my brain doesn't agree and isn't sending all of the hormones necessary for it to kick into high gear. Problem is that my brain could be convinced at some point that my uterus is right and it will send the hormones. At that point, there isn't much that the doc can do to stop labor and I'll have to have a c-section.

Doctor will try to stop labor if it happens before 34 weeks, but after 34 weeks, she'll do an immediate c-section! so in 6 short weeks, we could hypothetically have a baby in our house! I really hope to keep him in as long as possible.

New fun obstacle, orthostatic blood pressure issues! I can stand up for about 3 minutes at a time before my blood pressure starts going insane. My blood pressure rises, my pulse rises and pounds harder, and I get out of breath... So verdict is I need to sit down most of the time, but still no bedrest!

My rule still stands, if it hurts or wears me out, I have to stop it immediately and go lay down until I feel better. Sadly this means that I can go to school, but the remainder of the afternoon and night is spent on the couch! Thank heavens for an amazing fiance, cuz Bryce has to do everything. All of the cooking, cleaning, and anything to do with Coen. I wouldn't survive this pregnancy without him, he is absolutely amazing.

It is so depressing though that the pregnancy that I do have help and support is the pregnancy that is so incredibly difficult. I can't just enjoy this pregnancy. I'm literally counting down the days (haven't quite gotten to minutes yet) until I'm no longer prego...

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