Monday, February 25, 2013

Field trip to Labor and Delivery!

So I woke up this morning and had a few contractions. Not unheard of for me, but they were a bit closer together than usual. Oh and the first one hurt like HELL! That is definitely new. My contractions always hurt but not like this!
I went to school and the contractions continued. they were getting worse too. closer together and more intense. Started freaking out! I left school at 2 and was going to go to my grandma's but the contractions were only 9 minutes apart.
I headed straight to Lakeview Hospital instead. I got into the ER and had a contraction while I was checking in so they took me straight up to Labor & Delivery. I am only 27 weeks along so I got rigged into all of the monitors pretty quickly. I couldn't hardly move myself so getting into bed was nearly impossible. and changing into a gown hahahahahaha oh that was interesting!!
The other hard part is that I cannot take off my maternity band without my pain level shooting up through the roof! So they had to try to get the monitors, the monitor bands, and my band on all at once.
I got to watch my contractions on the monitor and they were definately there but they wasn't a ton of pressure on my uterus. They were still considered contractions, but they were "weak" contractions. The pain I was feeling was NOT what I would consider weak.
I got sent downstairs for an ultrasound to check on my little man. Unfortunately because I was in there for potential preterm labor, I wasn't allowed to spy on him. The tech just did her job and I was sent back upstairs.
The results were in a while later, I was not dilating. So I got sent home! No pain meds, no nothing... I was rather irritated but grateful that my doc had given me a prescription of pain pills so I took one as soon as I got home!
For now our little man is staying put!!  gotta cook him for a few more weeks!

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