Thursday, December 6, 2012

bedrest + finals = one crazy cranky momma!

Ok so I haven't been officially put on bedrest! However, at about 3pm, I'm utterly TOAST! I'm in pain, I'm exhausted, and worst of all, I have zero patience. I spend a great deal of time laying on our couch with a pillow under my baby belly and a pillow behind my back to help me stay on my left side. I'm sick of it! One day I was on the couch from 2pm til 1am when Bryce woke me up to take me to bed. This is ridiculous. I'm only 15 weeks along! Kinda driving me batty. Studying is all but impossible. I sit up all day for school and by the time I get home, I can't sit up any longer. Also every other day, I take a medication that makes me even more sick and in pain and unable to do anything but keep the couch from hitting the ceiling...

In good news, we are getting things arranged for baby! I'm so excited! We moved into this 3 bedroom knowing that we would have a family room for our master bedroom and a tiny bedroom as our temporary walk in closet. This temporary walk in closet will now be a nursery! So hopefully this weekend we'll venture down to IKEA to get the things we need to build a closet in our bedroom! I'm ridiculously excited! This means we'll finally finish decorating our bedroom! HOORAY!!! And we can start getting baby stuff!! On the 20th, I'm really hoping baby is spread eagle so we can find out the gender! I've got my fingers crossed for a girl and Bryce has his crossed for a boy! (either way both of us will be happy though! healthy and full term is all we really care about!)

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