Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December of craziness!

Holy cow!! It's only the 18th and man this month has been intense!! First off I had to finish school! Classes and finals finished on the 13th. Being in a program now, finals bring a whole new stress. It's not just about passing classes anymore, it's about placing as high in the class as possible in order to get the best externship and job in the end!! Well I was SICK AS A DOG! I wasn't really able to study very much considering I spent most of my time laying flat on my left side with a pillow under my stomach, one behind my back, and one between my knees! difficult position to study in!! Well regardless of how little I studied, I ended up with STRAIGHT A'S!!! Hooray!! That in itself was an awesome Christmas present!!

Now that I'm on break, it was time to get the babies room started! I could potentially end up on bedrest as this pregnancy continues as well as I start another semester of classes on January 14th! So we really wanted to get a move on! When we moved into this house last December, we turned a living room in the basement into our bedroom and turned the small bedroom next to it into an AMAZING walk in closet!! However we always knew that this was temporary! It was really just a decoy! We didn't want people to get any hints that we were planning on having a baby. If we left that room empty, it would've given it away. Well we spent an insane day at IKEA buying a built-in customized closet for our bedroom! I spent an afternoon on the computer designing it and the measurements fit exactly in the space that we had in our room!

We turned this:

into this:

I absolutely LOVE it!!! So organized, so pretty, just perfect!! And now the babies room is acting as our Christmas wrapping room! Let that fun begin!!

This past weekend started the holiday party extravaganza! Holy cow... I do love Christmas parties however this baby makes being social really difficult unless it involves me laying on my own couch and people coming to us (which rarely happens). So we made our rounds and boy I sure got exhausted! I had 2 contractions Saturday night. Not fun. Sunday we had a cookie decorating party and on the drive home, I fell asleep in the car. I talked the boys into taking a nap for an hour before we left for a dinner party and white elephant gift exchange with my mom's side of the family. I'm sure glad I got that nap or I wouldn't have made it thru that party!

Yesterday, I spent the day on the couch resting and re-cooperating! Bryce had to work, then my mom called him to get some secret spy things. I just about started crying when he walked in with 3 big bags of presents with strict rules that they be put under our tree right then. I LOVE having presents under the tree prior to Christmas, but we hadn't gotten anything wrapped yet! My mom spoiled us!! My favorite present is the one for Mommy & baby. Oh how I love seeing that!! I'm so excited to meet our little one!

On Thursday this week, the 20th, we're finding out the gender!! I'm hoping for a girl so I can have one of each! Bryce wants a healthy baby, and Coen wants a boy... We have names for each gender and honestly, I'm going to be sad to not use one of the names!! I'm grateful that I'm not having twins, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to use both of these adorable names!!!

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