Wednesday, February 13, 2013


First lets get to the great news!! Baby Declan will be making his appearance May 27th!! I'm so excited to have an official date!

My dr is concerned that I will have him early and in that case, I'll just immediately have a c-section. This wasn't my original plan, I truly wanted a VBAC. But due to the damage to my intestines caused by Coen's big head during labor with him (my pelvic floor is destroyed and I have intestinal prolapse, as well as my uterus and bladder are beginning to prolapse. it rocks!) and due to the inflammation of my bladder and the great amount of pain that I'm already in, my dr doesn't think it is wise to even attempt a VBAC. She doesn't think that I could withstand the pain of the initial contractions while I'm waiting to get an epidural. She also fears that I would devastatingly damage my intestines, pelvic floor, and bladder.

I'm so excited about the possibility of having a "27 baby"!! My younger brother and I are both born on 27's and this was a big deal when we were growing up. When it came time for my family to adopt my youngest brother, the only thing my younger brother and I cared about was whether or not he was a 27 baby and if he wasn't then my parents didn't need to bother with bringing him home as he wouldn't fit in our family... Thank heavens Jacob was a 27 baby!!

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