Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3 month doctors visit!!

At school today, my teachers told me that there was a slight possibility that I could find out the gender today! Holy cow! That just made my excitement even more off the charts!

We dropped Coen off at the daycare, he has the day off from school for Turkey Day, and we went to the doctor. Today has been an insane day of getting the announcements done, going to 1 stinking class (the other was cancelled), having a photo shoot with Coen, going to costco to get pics developed, and then a doctors appointment! I had class tonight too but well... at 5pm, I passed out on the couch and didn't wake up until 7:30... class started at 7... so I just skipped it!

We had another ultrasound today... every thing looks great!! Let me remind you of our last ultrasound...

And here is today's ultrasound!!

Can you see it's little face?? I just wish that the doctor had gotten a good pic of the whole body!

This pic isn't as clear but if you imagine from the last ultrasound from today, just picture the babies hand in front of it's face! It was clear as day on the monitor but didn't translate to a pic as well as I'd hope!

This ultrasound was amazing! We got to see all of baby. And it looks human! fully formed and adorably tiny! About the size of a medium shrimp now! While the doctor was doing the ultrasound, she was trying to get the heartbeat and the baby wouldn't hold still! Seriously boogying around! Bryce and I were so excited to see our little one moving around like that!!

Baby's heart beat was 163, a little bit slower than last time but still strong and perfect!

Here is the catch... My due date WAS June 6th... NOW IT IS MAY 30TH!!! Ok I realize that it's only 1 week, but it is MAY! What if baby comes a week early and is literally born on Coen's birthday!?!

Apparently the biggest measurement of our last visit was accurate and I'm further along than expected...

Our next appointment is December 20th and she is hopeful that we'll be able to find out what we're having! I'll be 17 weeks along and typically you can find out between 16-19 weeks!

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