Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why is the room spinning??

Woke up this morning not feeling well. I decided to go to school anyway... bad idea!

by about 10am, right as I got to school, I started getting weak and dizzy. This happened with Coen too so I ate a banana, I ate protein, I drank water, I stretched, I popped my back, I sat down, I stood up, I laid down... I literally did EVERYTHING that would work to correct this problem with Coen. During my pregnancy with Coen, I had a really hard time keeping my potassium levels high enough. So I automatically assumed that was the problem this time.

However after 2 hours and no help and really it was just getting worse, I decided I needed to leave school. I skipped out on my last class and instead went to Lakeview ER... My dr was on lunch so the triage nurse said to just go in especially since I figured that I knew what was wrong. I go to the ER, my blood pressure was kinda all over the place, but no horrible numbers. They did a ton of lab work. They rigged me up to an IV and pumped me full of fluids. Ultimately when my labs came back, there was no discernible cause. My potassium was at the lowest end of normal but was still considered normal. The ER doc said to go home and rest and to come back if the dizziness didn't go away within a few hours.

Well it did, but the weakness didn't. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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