Monday, November 19, 2012


He's been begging, praying, pleading, groveling, and has even resorted to bribery... He wants a sibling so incredibly badly! It was so excited to finally tell him. He thinks getting a baby for his birthday is the best present ever! I can't wait to make him a big brother.

He had so many adorable questions... concerned about the baby chewing on his toys... concerned about where the baby would sleep... concerned about well basically everything! I have loved answering his questions tonight...

some of the best questions...

Do I have to change poopy diapers?

Will the baby have to stay in it's room all the time since it can't walk?

Is the baby just swimming around in your blood or what? 

How am I going to lock my room so the baby can't get in?

Here are his votes for the gender and his explanations... he came up with these all on his own...

Twins... one boy and one girl... so he can give the boy his toys when he leaves for college (he watched toy story 3 today and still doesn't understand why a girl got boy toys...) and a girl so he can torture her (he and dad watch WAY too much Phineas and Ferb!) and so we have a flower girl...

Hate to burst his bubble but the doctor was pretty sure that there was only 1 baby in there...

One of his major concerns was that he still get a birthday party and that Derek and Austin (2 friends from school) get invited. I let him know that he would absolutely be getting a birthday party (but in the back of my mind, i thought HELL NO! I'll be 9 months pregnant! hahahaha I promise he'll get a party, but dad may be in charge and mom will just "supervise") 

He is also quite convinced that the baby is going to come out and be an instant playmate... I was hoping that having him see Baby Sadie (our niece) would help him realize that babies are born tiny and don't really do much for quite some time... 

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