Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween is one of my absolutely favorite holidays. I just love the whimsy and goofiness of it all. I love the "evil" decorations. I love the cartooniness!

This year I worried was going to be quite different though. This pregnancy has made me exhausted and by about 5pm, I'm done and just want to go to bed. Not to mention that my hip pain makes it difficult, at best, to walk.

I typically plan out a Halloween themed dinner for Halloween night. One year I did hotdogs wrapped in bread dough in the shape of mummies and green colored mashed potatoes. The next year I did taco salads that looked like zombies. I love the creative nature of Halloween.

This year at about 4pm on tonight, I realized that I hadn't planned ANYTHING for dinner! How could I have forgotten?? I was so upset... Bryce talked me into getting a pumpkin shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and we got a red V8 Splash that was our "blood". It turned out to be a fun and easy dinner for this tired momma.

This year Coen wanted to be a superhero. Not just a superhero, but an Avenger! Not just an Avenger, but Hawkeye... Did you know that this is by far the most difficult costume to find for a 7 year old??? It was a joke! But alas, I did find it and he was quite happy.

The weather this year was epic! It was absolutely perfect. I couldn't have asked for better weather. Bryce is working nights so we decided to go out at about 5:30pm to do our trick or treating. Coen is at that perfect age where we have to go with him, but he doesn't need to be escorted to the door and we don't really have to leave the sidewalk! He loved it! I'm still in that mode where I like spending holidays with just us, so we didn't go with friends or anything. Just the 4 of us! (so fun still that Coen doesn't know! Bryce and I love keeping this secret even though each day gets more and more difficult)

I was highly impressed with my hip! I was able to make it through all of our trick or treating with out any pain really! It started to ache at the end, but not a lot which was nice cuz we still had to walk home and that was about 3 blocks. Coen got an amazing haul of candy and none of it was crap that needed to just be thrown away!!

Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

sickies update...

Gatorade is vital to my survival... If I drink some Gatorade before I eat ANYTHING AT ALL, then my nausea is quite mild. I'm talking super mild! I was able to eat anything today without it making me sick! HOORAY!! SUCCESS!!

However I'm going to go broke having to buy all of this Gatorade! And I'll single handedly fill up a landfill with my empty bottles!! I'm going to switch to the drink packets that I can mix with water... At least I'll be able to refill it with water and reuse a bottle! I hope it has the same effect as regular Gatorade! I am going through three 32 ounce bottles a day! That is gonna get pricey!

I'm really feeling like an old lady right about now...

So I gave in... I went to a chiropractor today to find out what is going on with my hip. The pain gets a little worse each day and I'm sure that I'll be even worse off as this pregnancy progresses...

verdict is... displaced acetabular joint with acetabular inflamation and a displaced femoral head... aka I dislocated my freaking hip!!

let the old lady jokes commence...

trust me Bryce is DYING to post old lady posts on facebook! I talked him out of it considering how do I explain this without giving away our big secret??

So I got to lay on ice and an electroshock machine that made my butt and hip muscles freak out. It didn't hurt, but it felt incredibly odd!

Then came the pain... the chiropractor had to pop my hip back into socket! It hurt so badly but the pain only lasted for a microsecond! thank heavens! It was more shocking than truly painful.

When he originally checked my posture, my left hip was higher than my right by almost a freaking inch!! my right one is the dislocated one...

He was able to get my hips nearly in line with each other!

I have a follow up on Thursday Nov 1st. Really hoping it helps more. Right now I'm hurting but resting and icing my hip. He said that it would hurt tonight since he just put it back into socket...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Party!

Every year, the Bertagnoli (my inlaws) have a family pumpkin carving party! Bryce's sister, Melissa, has a gigantic driveway. They roll plastic or butcher paper out and we all get to carve away! Their neighbors come with their kids, family friends come with their kids. It's great!

Bryce is working the craziest of shifts so he wasn't able to come with us. He was home sleeping... Poor guy!!

Luckily our pumpkins (thank you Uncle Ryan!!) were really soft and easy to carve! Last years pumpkins were solid as a rock! I wasn't able to carve last years pumpkins, but this year was quite different!

Coen carved his own pumpkin this year. It was adorable! He had so much fun! Then he got to play in the backyard with Gage and Robert. They had a blast!

I got to go in the house and cuddle baby Sadie! Oh how cute is she! She is a month old now! Which means not only is she more awake and just as sweet as ever, but it means that I've known that I am pregnant for a month! I'm proud of myself for holding onto this secret for this long!

Sadie makes me even more excited to meet our little one...

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Holy cow!! I've never been this sick... Over the past few weeks, I've had a bit of nausea, but nothing too bad. Annoying more than anything... This weekend couldn't be more different! All I can do is sit on the couch and cry...

Doesn't help that Bryce is on the mountain deer hunting... ultra crappy timing!!

Even water is gross today... Which is odd because I drink an incredible amount of water every day... 120 ounces typically... but not today...

Apple sauce is the only thing that tastes good... and I just ran out... Is Coen old enough to go to the store alone?? damn probably not...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What an amazing little heart beat!

Today Bryce and I met my OBGYN and had our first prenatal visit! Dr Candice Nielson at Lakeview OBGYN.
I had at first found a doctor who delivered my friend Latarran's baby. She also uses doTERRA and her doctor loves doTERRA and actually recommends it to his patients. However, with Coen, I had a c-section and after that had a lot of difficulties. I didn't dare have a family practioner as my prenatal doctor.

I really want to deliver in Bountiful. Why? Because I live here. Because I am desperate to build a life here. Because I want all of our doctors, dentists, etc to be here in town. Because Bountiful is our HOME and there are aspects of that which are still missing in my mind... I grew up in a tiny town and people went to the same doctors office their entire life. Their doctor KNEW them. I want this...

So I found a doctor here in Bountiful who delivers at Lakeview. I LOVE her. She was so kind, so considerate, and so willing to just sit and talk with us. We were able to ask all of our questions, I had quite a list. She is open to me using doTERRA to treat any and all problems that I come across. She said that she is willing to let me try those things first, if they don't work, she'll offer supplements to fix it, and lastly we can discuss medication or medical interventions. WOW! I was blown away! She is very mother-driven in her practice and that makes me very comfortable with her.

Then came the most amazing thing... Something that took me over in a way I hadn't expected. I mean this isn't my first pregnancy or first child. I hadn't expected the emotional take over that was going to happen just by having Bryce there with me. I never had someone with me in my prenatal appointments except for the first one and my friend Melanie went with me. Having my baby's father there with me to see and hear OUR baby for the first time was utterly amazing!

At my appointment, I was 7 weeks and 6 days along according to the best info I had... However our little peanut is measuring at 8 weeks 5 days! Ok it's only a week, however when we first saw the baby, it was tiny! About the size of a blueberry! but when my doctor moved the ultrasound a bit more, it doubled in size! My first fear was holy shit twins! luckily this was not the case! not twins, just further along than expected and the baby was twice the size that it should've been. Instead of just being a ball of cells, it is a long ball of cells like a kidney bean.

I've seen ultrasounds before so immediately I was able to recognize the little heart fluttering on the screen. Bryce could see the screen too but he didn't know what to look for. When she turned on the sound and we got to hear the heart beat, poor Bryce... He got rather scared. Doctor explained that a heart rate of 171 is normal for a tiny little baby like ours even though it sounds like it will explode.

Overall this appointment was amazing! I've never seen Bryce so damn happy! He was giddy all evening and had a smile on his face like I've never seen before. Oh how happy this makes me! I cannot wait to meet our little peanut!!

Predictions: I think I'm having a girl. This pregnancy couldn't be different than my 1st one. Also the heart beat is really fast which usually signals a girl. Also I really want a girl... Bryce on the other hand is terrified of having a daughter! He is hoping for a house of boys so he wants another boy.

Monday, October 15, 2012

OUCH!!!!! Why can't I walk??

The past week or 2, I've had this weird pain in my hip. Its really deep in my hip. Mornings, it is only a slight pain but by night time it is terrible! I'm talking rough! Like standing is hard, walking is hard, getting in bed is hard... Must remember this at my OB appointment!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lovely day for a wedding

Today Bryce and I got to go celebrate with my friend Jillian and her hubby Ian while they celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. It was lovely fall weather. It was an even more lovely ceremony... Oh how exciting events like these are since we have such a gigantic secret!!!

Not only was this wedding delightful, but it really made me want to have a celebration with Bryce. I want it to be just like Jillian's ceremony... Not to copy her decor, or theme or anything like that. I just want something that fits us so perfectly like their ceremony did. It was qwerky, it was fun, it was whimsical, it fit them to a T. I cannot wait to marry Bryce. Ok I can wait, but I am so excited for it to happen as well. All in good time :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I love family time!! (especially with a secret!!)

Today we were able to go to Grandma Camie's house to have dinner. She made the most yummy chili! one red one with beef and one white one with chicken! I MUST get these recipes! I'll probably have to rename the chicken one to something like chicken soup though because both boys explained to me today that what I was eating was NOT chili...

Anyway moving right along... It was really nice to get to see family. Josh and Cassey were there and so was Melissa and Billy. The best surprise was that Seth and Chelsey brought Sadie!! I was so happy to get to cuddle with her again. She is 8 days old today! (Crazy that I've only known that I am prego for 8 days! seems longer!) She is absolutely adorable and has so much dark hair!

Again it is just hilarious to get to snuggle this little life knowing that an even smaller life is growing inside of me. Oh Sadie makes me want this pregnancy to move along quicker! I cannot wait to get to snuggle my own little one!!! Honestly seeing Sadie just makes me more excited to be pregnant. Her birth couldn't have been more perfectly timed! for me that is... :)

Grandma Camie put in her usual plug for us having a baby... She said "yup Carly, I think you need one" and I responded with "One what?" hahahahahaha yes I'd heard her... but it's getting incredibly difficult to dodge the obvious elephant in the room (that Bryce and I only can see of course!!) Her comment was brought on by Coen's constant visits to Baby Sadie to tell her hi. He couldn't get over the fact that she is so tiny. He thinks she is adorable though and went in to talk to her quite a few times tonight. He was really excited to meet his youngest cousin!

I cannot wait to give Coen a baby brother or sister... This is a huge thing for me. About 5 years ago, the plan was for me to get pregnant soon... Well my marriage quickly imploded shortly there after and I'm incredibly grateful that my ex and I didn't have any children together. However, this did leave a gigantic hole in my plans and in my wants and desires for a family...

It's taken me a long time to find someone who was worthy of having a child with and I'm so incredibly happy with Bryce. Yes we've had some major ups and downs. I truly feel that this was both of us testing the boundaries. Well we know those boundaries now and neither of us is willing to test them any further. We got our immature needs out of the way in the first 2 years of our relationship. The last year has been amazing journey and growth of our family after an awful revelation was made last year. (sorry guys, not going into this any further...) Bryce is my rock. I'm more comfortable in my own skin while I've been with him than ever before. I truly feel cherished and that isn't something that I've ever felt before.

I cannot wait to give him a son or a daughter. He is so excited about me giving birth to his child. He honestly talked me into trying to conceive... yes it was all his idea! I'm so excited to build our little family from 3 to 4... June cannot come soon enough...

Extra Fun Fact... I was pregnant at Chelsey's baby shower... hahahahahaha

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ok wait... I'm Pregnant!!!

I'm a full time student...

I'm a mom...

I'm a fiance...

I have a house to run...

I take care of my grandparents...

I run my own business from home...

and NOW I'M HAVING A BABY!! Was I really thinking when I decided to take this on too??

Well yes I was actually! My pregnancy with Coen was a breeze! a few bumps in the road, but not too bad... I was working 50-60 hours a week with ease... I wasn't sick... I wasn't having any real pregnancy side effects...

I'm almost 5 weeks into the pregnancy and it is not the same as with Coen... Luckily as of right now, I'm still not sick! That is a relief for many reasons! namely the fact that I don't have time to be sick and secondly, it will help us keep this under wraps!

The side effect that I am having though is complete and utter exhaustion!! I'm seriously DEAD TIRED!! Yesterday after coming home from school, I passed out on the couch for a couple hours... Today, I would've done the same, but Bryce wasn't home to pick up Coen and I didn't dare to fall asleep for fear that I wouldn't be awake to get Coen after school...

Now in typical fashion, I'm hitting my second wind at 9pm... I'll probably be up til about midnight... At least I have some productive hours of the day!!

I'm in the process of finding a doctor. My delivery with Coen ended up being via emergency c-section and I have had some pretty major medical issues following his birth... I found one doctor that I was completely set on... He delivered 2 of my friends babies... He is an avid user and believer in doTERRA Essential Oils which is HUGE for me... He even has a Modern Essentials (the essential oils bible!) in his office for constant reference... One problem... he's a family practitioner! not an OBGYN... Well he is out of the question now which has me completely bummed out!!

I've found 2 doctors in Bountiful that I'm interested in, but the problem with keeping this pregnancy under wraps is that I can't ask people if they can refer me to a good doc!! Bryce and I are hoping to get into see one of the 2 docs that I found and we'll see how we like them!!

We're keeping this a secret for HOW long???

We decided long before we got pregnant that we wanted to keep it a secret until we knew if we were having a boy or a girl...

I'm not so secretly wishing for a girl... Bryce is quite vocal about wanting a boy... and well Coen wants twins, one of each! haha

I went to school Monday wanting to yell it from the roof tops!

I got a text from Melanie, one of my absolute best friends... She first asked if Bryce and I were getting married next year... I said I don't know, because we really don't know when we're going to get married... She then asked if we had any plans for kids... I gave her my typical answer "Not today..." and I followed it up with telling her that my only rule was that we not have our kids 10 full years apart so I'd need to have the next one by the time I turned 31. I'm 28 right now, 29 next month (November 27th)... so according to her, I still had time!


But honestly, I don't know how successfully we'll be able to keep this a secret!!

Our little secret... and a new niece!!

Late on September 29th, our newest niece came into the world! Sadie Kay was born to Seth and Chelsey at 11 pm! Were really sad to not be there, but honestly, we were still celebrating our wonderful news! Plus I was exhausted!

On Sunday the 30th, we got to go up to McKay Dee hospital and see the little angel. I couldn't believe how precious she is! It was such a thrill to get to snuggle her knowing that inside of me was a tiny growing baby...

Even more entertaining was when Grandma Camie made a comment about Bryce needing a baby after she saw him holding baby Sadie. Oh the internal giggles!!!

Bryce and I kept whispering 6/6/13 (our due date) to each other... It was incredibly hard to leave the hospital... Sadie was just so precious and seeing such a tiny baby, made it all the more real that we were having one of our own!

Later that day, we went to my mom's to pick up Coen... once again she went on about wanting a granddaughter RIGHT NOW... I again had to play it off saying my signature line "well maybe not today"... She let it drop... Oh how Bryce and I are dying laughing at this point...

What is that I see??

On September 28th, Bryce and I went on an awesome date. We were finally able to get a baby sitter. My mom was recovering from a rather extensive back surgery and after 3 months, we finally felt comfortable enough to allow Coen to spend the night... which turned to spending the weekend!

On the morning of September 29th, I woke up really really wanting to take a pregnancy test. I was planning on taking one on October 1st and Bryce thought that I should be patient...

What he didn't know was that while he was taking out the dog, I snuck upstairs and took a pregnancy test! I couldn't even wait the full 3 minutes! I took a peak at the test...

I grabbed it, ran down the stairs, and instantly started bawling when I saw Bryce... He honestly wasn't sure what was going on... then he saw the pregnancy test and I managed to say, "there are 2 lines"... I fell into his arms still crying...

tears of relief, tears of excitement, happy tears, holy shit we're having a baby tears... all sorts of tears!

We went to a doctor and had the pregnancy confirmed... I cannot believe that our journey had finally begun and in 8-9 months, we'd be a family of 4...

I'm calling this blog poppyseed because that is the size of our little one at the time we found out that we were pregnant!

Baby Martinez due June 6, 2013!!

Hopefully he/she doesn't come too early and land on Coen's bday! (May 23rd!!)

Decisions Decisions...

Bryce and I met in 2009... both were fresh off of divorces... neither were looking for anything real...

3 years later, wow!! how things have changed! In 8 short days, we will have been together for 3 years...

Originally our plan was to get married on September 15, 2012... In 2011, we had a lot of drama, lets call them speed bumps in our relationship...

In January 2012, we made a monumental decision! We decided to call off our wedding (for now), and instead focus on having a baby! We also decided that we weren't going to tell anyone at all!

On May 2nd, after finishing my final exams for the semester, I had got off of birth control. Our plan was not to try, but to just stop preventing. That didn't last long. We'd honestly expected to get pregnant quickly. Month after month went buy with nothing but negative tests...

This turned out to be the most taxing thing that we'd ever been through. We were officially trying, calculating my cycle, changing my diet, I was on prenatal vitamins... the works... still nothing...

This period of time was a lot more difficult that either of us had expected. It really took a toll on us emotionally. I'm glad that we chose to not tell anyone, but it was difficult for us to go thru it alone.