Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm really feeling like an old lady right about now...

So I gave in... I went to a chiropractor today to find out what is going on with my hip. The pain gets a little worse each day and I'm sure that I'll be even worse off as this pregnancy progresses...

verdict is... displaced acetabular joint with acetabular inflamation and a displaced femoral head... aka I dislocated my freaking hip!!

let the old lady jokes commence...

trust me Bryce is DYING to post old lady posts on facebook! I talked him out of it considering how do I explain this without giving away our big secret??

So I got to lay on ice and an electroshock machine that made my butt and hip muscles freak out. It didn't hurt, but it felt incredibly odd!

Then came the pain... the chiropractor had to pop my hip back into socket! It hurt so badly but the pain only lasted for a microsecond! thank heavens! It was more shocking than truly painful.

When he originally checked my posture, my left hip was higher than my right by almost a freaking inch!! my right one is the dislocated one...

He was able to get my hips nearly in line with each other!

I have a follow up on Thursday Nov 1st. Really hoping it helps more. Right now I'm hurting but resting and icing my hip. He said that it would hurt tonight since he just put it back into socket...

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