Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What an amazing little heart beat!

Today Bryce and I met my OBGYN and had our first prenatal visit! Dr Candice Nielson at Lakeview OBGYN.
I had at first found a doctor who delivered my friend Latarran's baby. She also uses doTERRA and her doctor loves doTERRA and actually recommends it to his patients. However, with Coen, I had a c-section and after that had a lot of difficulties. I didn't dare have a family practioner as my prenatal doctor.

I really want to deliver in Bountiful. Why? Because I live here. Because I am desperate to build a life here. Because I want all of our doctors, dentists, etc to be here in town. Because Bountiful is our HOME and there are aspects of that which are still missing in my mind... I grew up in a tiny town and people went to the same doctors office their entire life. Their doctor KNEW them. I want this...

So I found a doctor here in Bountiful who delivers at Lakeview. I LOVE her. She was so kind, so considerate, and so willing to just sit and talk with us. We were able to ask all of our questions, I had quite a list. She is open to me using doTERRA to treat any and all problems that I come across. She said that she is willing to let me try those things first, if they don't work, she'll offer supplements to fix it, and lastly we can discuss medication or medical interventions. WOW! I was blown away! She is very mother-driven in her practice and that makes me very comfortable with her.

Then came the most amazing thing... Something that took me over in a way I hadn't expected. I mean this isn't my first pregnancy or first child. I hadn't expected the emotional take over that was going to happen just by having Bryce there with me. I never had someone with me in my prenatal appointments except for the first one and my friend Melanie went with me. Having my baby's father there with me to see and hear OUR baby for the first time was utterly amazing!

At my appointment, I was 7 weeks and 6 days along according to the best info I had... However our little peanut is measuring at 8 weeks 5 days! Ok it's only a week, however when we first saw the baby, it was tiny! About the size of a blueberry! but when my doctor moved the ultrasound a bit more, it doubled in size! My first fear was holy shit twins! luckily this was not the case! not twins, just further along than expected and the baby was twice the size that it should've been. Instead of just being a ball of cells, it is a long ball of cells like a kidney bean.

I've seen ultrasounds before so immediately I was able to recognize the little heart fluttering on the screen. Bryce could see the screen too but he didn't know what to look for. When she turned on the sound and we got to hear the heart beat, poor Bryce... He got rather scared. Doctor explained that a heart rate of 171 is normal for a tiny little baby like ours even though it sounds like it will explode.

Overall this appointment was amazing! I've never seen Bryce so damn happy! He was giddy all evening and had a smile on his face like I've never seen before. Oh how happy this makes me! I cannot wait to meet our little peanut!!

Predictions: I think I'm having a girl. This pregnancy couldn't be different than my 1st one. Also the heart beat is really fast which usually signals a girl. Also I really want a girl... Bryce on the other hand is terrified of having a daughter! He is hoping for a house of boys so he wants another boy.

1 comment:

  1. Aw this makes me so happy for you! I know exactly what you mean having your honey there! It makes a big difference!! I'm hoping for a girl for you!
