Sunday, October 7, 2012

I love family time!! (especially with a secret!!)

Today we were able to go to Grandma Camie's house to have dinner. She made the most yummy chili! one red one with beef and one white one with chicken! I MUST get these recipes! I'll probably have to rename the chicken one to something like chicken soup though because both boys explained to me today that what I was eating was NOT chili...

Anyway moving right along... It was really nice to get to see family. Josh and Cassey were there and so was Melissa and Billy. The best surprise was that Seth and Chelsey brought Sadie!! I was so happy to get to cuddle with her again. She is 8 days old today! (Crazy that I've only known that I am prego for 8 days! seems longer!) She is absolutely adorable and has so much dark hair!

Again it is just hilarious to get to snuggle this little life knowing that an even smaller life is growing inside of me. Oh Sadie makes me want this pregnancy to move along quicker! I cannot wait to get to snuggle my own little one!!! Honestly seeing Sadie just makes me more excited to be pregnant. Her birth couldn't have been more perfectly timed! for me that is... :)

Grandma Camie put in her usual plug for us having a baby... She said "yup Carly, I think you need one" and I responded with "One what?" hahahahahaha yes I'd heard her... but it's getting incredibly difficult to dodge the obvious elephant in the room (that Bryce and I only can see of course!!) Her comment was brought on by Coen's constant visits to Baby Sadie to tell her hi. He couldn't get over the fact that she is so tiny. He thinks she is adorable though and went in to talk to her quite a few times tonight. He was really excited to meet his youngest cousin!

I cannot wait to give Coen a baby brother or sister... This is a huge thing for me. About 5 years ago, the plan was for me to get pregnant soon... Well my marriage quickly imploded shortly there after and I'm incredibly grateful that my ex and I didn't have any children together. However, this did leave a gigantic hole in my plans and in my wants and desires for a family...

It's taken me a long time to find someone who was worthy of having a child with and I'm so incredibly happy with Bryce. Yes we've had some major ups and downs. I truly feel that this was both of us testing the boundaries. Well we know those boundaries now and neither of us is willing to test them any further. We got our immature needs out of the way in the first 2 years of our relationship. The last year has been amazing journey and growth of our family after an awful revelation was made last year. (sorry guys, not going into this any further...) Bryce is my rock. I'm more comfortable in my own skin while I've been with him than ever before. I truly feel cherished and that isn't something that I've ever felt before.

I cannot wait to give him a son or a daughter. He is so excited about me giving birth to his child. He honestly talked me into trying to conceive... yes it was all his idea! I'm so excited to build our little family from 3 to 4... June cannot come soon enough...

Extra Fun Fact... I was pregnant at Chelsey's baby shower... hahahahahaha

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