Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ok wait... I'm Pregnant!!!

I'm a full time student...

I'm a mom...

I'm a fiance...

I have a house to run...

I take care of my grandparents...

I run my own business from home...

and NOW I'M HAVING A BABY!! Was I really thinking when I decided to take this on too??

Well yes I was actually! My pregnancy with Coen was a breeze! a few bumps in the road, but not too bad... I was working 50-60 hours a week with ease... I wasn't sick... I wasn't having any real pregnancy side effects...

I'm almost 5 weeks into the pregnancy and it is not the same as with Coen... Luckily as of right now, I'm still not sick! That is a relief for many reasons! namely the fact that I don't have time to be sick and secondly, it will help us keep this under wraps!

The side effect that I am having though is complete and utter exhaustion!! I'm seriously DEAD TIRED!! Yesterday after coming home from school, I passed out on the couch for a couple hours... Today, I would've done the same, but Bryce wasn't home to pick up Coen and I didn't dare to fall asleep for fear that I wouldn't be awake to get Coen after school...

Now in typical fashion, I'm hitting my second wind at 9pm... I'll probably be up til about midnight... At least I have some productive hours of the day!!

I'm in the process of finding a doctor. My delivery with Coen ended up being via emergency c-section and I have had some pretty major medical issues following his birth... I found one doctor that I was completely set on... He delivered 2 of my friends babies... He is an avid user and believer in doTERRA Essential Oils which is HUGE for me... He even has a Modern Essentials (the essential oils bible!) in his office for constant reference... One problem... he's a family practitioner! not an OBGYN... Well he is out of the question now which has me completely bummed out!!

I've found 2 doctors in Bountiful that I'm interested in, but the problem with keeping this pregnancy under wraps is that I can't ask people if they can refer me to a good doc!! Bryce and I are hoping to get into see one of the 2 docs that I found and we'll see how we like them!!

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